
About Us

Welcome to the revamped version of what once was, Worldview Interactive magazine. After a lot of soul-searching I am relaunching this site with an entirely new focus and editorial policy.

2020 has been a crazy year that has brought out a lot of craziness in people all around the world. Personally, I’ve had enough of it. I’m tired of the political division and agitation and hatred and arguments and I’m tired of endless debates on Social Media. The news media can no longer by trusted to report simple facts objectively because everything is highly politicised, polarised and commercialised by corporations that put ratings above the welfare of society. So I am opting out, disengaging from the agitation and am making my first priority to seek a quiet life (as much as I am able to) and enjoy my family. Those who know me will understand that this is quite a big shift for me.

So what is this website all about now? Well, essentially it’s about these three things: Faith, Hope and Love. What you read here are all of my own stories, insights and experiences. I’m sharing these things in a way that hopefully will bring some answers to people who are actually genuinely searching for the truth, deeper meaning and answers to the great mysteries of life. I hope to bring inspiration and illumination to those who know they need it. And I invite you in joining me in praying that this will be the case. The world can always use a bit more quiet illumination, don’t you agree?

With this new focus I will be adding new content continually. I have a vast resource of material already written that I will add progressively, some of which will be posted here and some of which will be sent out to subscribers via emailed newsletters (so don’t forget to sign up!). These will mainly be reflections and insights intended purely for your inspiration and encouragement. And they’re free.

If you’d like to support this work, there are a number of things that you could possibly do:
a) Pray for me. The good stuff only comes when the Lord is sending the inspiration, and I no longer want to muddy the waters with my own uninspired thoughts, opinions and ideas (been there, done that!).
b) Share this content with your friends on whatever social media platform you use. Each article has sharing links at the end which should make that a fairly simple process.
c) Consider becoming a financial supporter. This will help me to pay the bills, look after my family and release me to devote more time to writing and preparing great content.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Allan David Weatherall

Allan Weatherall (Worldview) is a husband, father, freelance graphic designer and writer, currently based in central Victoria, Australia.

Comments (2)

  • Had a quick look. Very clean and easy to use. A typo in your intro of yourself. So you won’t be commenting on fb anymore?

    • Thanks Libby. Sorry for the late reply… somehow I missed the notification of your post!
      I will occasionally be posting on Facebook but I am so annoyed with their censorship that I am trying to wean myself off my Facebook habit and publish in a more free and affirming environment.
      Typo? Where?


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